Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Revenge of the gods!!

I was tired of reading about the attacks on women and children in the newspaper. One day while doing nothing suddenly I started having flashes in my head. I imagined a meeting of gods. All the gods sitting at a round table wearing their white robes and shiny white hair. They were distraught with the plight of earth. Unhappy about what humans are doing to earth they decide to call it a day in the human beings chapter. The architect of the “Humans” project says “I designed them to be intelligent so that they could work towards welfare of all the other species, nurture them and help others grow. But these selfish maggots have ruined everything. There is a hole in the atmosphere. They have dug up the earth everywhere, cut trees, caused extinction to several species. They have disturbed the circle of life. We need to pull back this product before they ruin our reputation.  We need to plan for a smooth and sure shot extinction of this species without causing any further damage to dear earth.”

A tragic nuclear world war was out of question, because it would ruin everything that god created on earth. The technical lead amongst the gods came up with a plan. “Let’s destroy their sense of self-preservation”. They will ruin their own species that way. Other gods were confused. How is that even possible? That’s the basic survival instinct we have inculcated all the living beings with. The technical lead says, “Exactly, we will make them not want to preserve their own species. Let them choose not to have offspring”. This Idea worked like a charm. Most of the wealthy humans in developed nations stopped wanting to have children. They began to despise the abstinence and responsibilities that are required to raise a child. For them there ambitions took priority over starting a family.

The plan worked in one half of the world. However failed in the other half where people were unassuming and not very ambitious. They were poor yet lived happily with their families. They were the ones who reproduced at the highest rates. This could possibly be because they were happy people. “What do we do?” thought the gods. They arranged an emergency meeting and discussed about this superior race which did extremely well with limited resource. These people seemed to worship their creators – not the gods but the women who were their creator, nurturers and gave them a reason to strive better. Probably this was one of the reasons these people did so well. The gods were almost jealous of women in this part of the world. They seemed to be the main hurdle in achieving “human extinction”. The shrewdest of god rose and said I have a plan but to execute it we need great grit and determination. Our objective is to wipe out humanity from earth and we might have to turn a blind eye to evil that this plan would unleash. This was like an Abilene’s paradox and none of the gods dared speak a word. 

What was the plan after all? It was so nasty that the shrewd god had to warn others. The “men” were chosen as a weapon. They were filled with lust and evil. They began to attack women whom they used to worship. Burnt them alive or rape and hang them to trees for other women to see and live in fear. They did not even spare little children - two year olds, 6 months old, 5 year olds they we all torn apart and thrown away to rot. Such was the lust these men were instilled with. The plan seemed clear, kill the creator of “humans” i.e. women and children who are their future first. The “men” who were made the think that they were the superior one would eventually succumb to extinction in absence of women and children. The shrewd god had come up with a perfect plan. The gods watched from up in the skies, filled with horror and teary eyed.

About 50 years after this plan was executed the world was left with few thousand octogenarian men. While counting their last days they spoke about how lovely it felt when their little girl had held there hand for the first time. They talked about how a pedophile killed their child and how they lost the women in their family to a group of lusty men. They wept and wailed. Even the most heinous of the men were filled with remorse and anguish. What had been done could not be undone. The human race ended up causing its own extinction.  This paved the way for gods to come up with a plan, of creating probably a race inferior to humans so they do not mess up like we did. Unfortunately god had made us far too intelligent to care for anyone else. But now thanks to us the earth became a better place to live in the future where every living being flourished except us “humans”. This was God’s revenge against humans for destroying their planet!

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