Friday, April 12, 2013

Income tax - Responsibility or Duty ?

Income tax is that part of our earning which we share with our country for over all development. Above certain limits the government has made it compulsory to pay income tax. These funds are used to build roads, bridges, trains and even to pay salaried to our minister in the government and for functioning of parliament. Hence it is a very important contribution from our end.

Sometimes we feel how does it matter if I don’t pay taxes others are still paying. But if everyone begins to think in that way the state would have no funds for itself. Besides it’s a crime and might result in heavy penalties.
However if people of the nation have a general resentment against the government that they are not doing any good and the development is not at par with the expectations then the question arises who is eating up all the funds meant for developments of the society? What is government doing with the heavy taxes levied on common man? Why should we shoulder this burden? In my opinion the solution is not to stop paying taxes. Rather we need to exercise deliberation in choosing the right government. After all we live in a democratic society.

We all have bills to pay, including our nation. Our nation takes unimaginable amount of loan from the world bank to accomplish various development plans for the society. The least we can do is to pay our due from the income which our county has enabled us to earn.

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